A downloadable game

Howdy! I'm making a One Page Tabletop RPG (with a supplemental page for GMs). It is designed to let you run a quick game with friends for a Spaghetti West setting. Additionally, it has bits in place to let you run a session in the style of Samurai films that inspired them, or perhaps a Weird West.

Currently, I'm looking for more play testers. I'd be excited if you downloaded and played the game. I'd also appreciate it greatly if you provided some feedback. Here are the top questions I'm looking to answer.

  1. Are the rules explained well enough? This is huge as this is my first game play tested outside of a group I know well. I want to ensure others can understand them well enough on the first read.
  2. Is rolling the dice fun? I know an RPG is fun by the virtue of it. However, this way to roll dice is a bit different than usual, and I want to make sure that it allows for fun and exciting experiences.
  3. Does using Chips feel meaningful? Chips are intended to add a bit of tension and excitement to the game. Like you are gambling with your life (although still keeping the game safe for the players). I want to make sure using it feels like a meaningful decision, and it isn't simply used all the time.

Don't feel limited to answering just these questions. I'm open to any and all feedback.

You can leave your feedback in the comment section below,  or email me at studiooakheart@gmail.com.


The Far West v0.5.pdf 204 kB

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